Applied Astronomy

General description

Have You ever felt like there is something out there in the night sky? Something that you have a vague idea of, still something you might consider worth knowing? There are those, who troubled by the questions of stars, will be exploring the mysteries of the Universe this summer in Cracow....

Interested to be one of them?
The aim of our course is to give you the basics of the practical astronomy and overview of other related disciplines, like cosmology, radio-astronomy, etc. You will get to know the origins of the Universe, galaxies and stars, together with the mysteries facing their exploration. The last but not least, you will receive a hands-on course on Cracow,one of the European Capitals of Culture, the city of pubs,fun and the unique atmosphere not to be found anywhere else.
Join us in Cracow this Summer!

Academic information

Content and topics:
Learning goals and objectives:
Examination type:

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:
