GREENsters, Inc.: Ecological Transition

General description

The world is desperate. Climate change is getting worse year by year, emissions grow exponentially, and environmental resources get exploited… The Earth, our planet, calls for help. Our future depends on it. Only a few courageous students will have the chance to take part on this transcendental opportunity.

BEST Las Palmas has planned and incredible course with lectures in a sunny and warm environment. Take part and be surrounded by incredible students and their culture. Get to know the Canary Islands, its food and people.

How will we reduce Climate Change? Could we make electricity from making people happy?

Let's transition into an ecological future!!


Academic information

Fields of activity:
Chemical Engineering , Chemistry/Chemical Technology , Electrical/Electromechanical Engineering , Environmental Engineering , Industrial Engineering , Maritime Management , Materials Engineering , Power Engineering , Production Engineering/Management
Content and topics:
This course serves as an essential guide for anyone interested in tackling the environmental challenges of our time. It dives deep into the complexities of climate change, sustainable development, waste management, and innovative technologies that play a pivotal role in the ecological transition towards a greener and more sustainable future. These are the main topics: - Climate Change and Global Challenges. - Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition. - Waste Management and Types of Waste. - Innovative Technologies for Sustainability.
Learning goals and objectives:
Understand the problem of climate and global change, giving context to the current environmental and energy situation. Introduce the concept of sustainable development and ecological transition. Learn about the types of waste and its management. Discover innovative technologies.
Examination type:
Presentation or case study.
ECTS credits issued:

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivational Letter, answer to the questions and interest in the topic.

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Three meals per day, one of them warm