Airbus Group ILA Airshow
Event description
!!Please do not pay attention to the hosting LBG detail. Local event creation is necessary to be able to collect the applications of BEST members and your BEST CVs.
25 BEST members will participate to this career event selected by Airbus Group.
Target universities
108 universities in 34 countries. Click to expand:
- Austria: Graz University of Technology
- Austria: Vienna University of Technology
- Belgium: Free University of Brussels (VUB)
- Belgium: Ghent University
- Belgium: KU Leuven
- Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain
- Belgium: University of Brussels (ULB)
- Belgium: University of Liège
- Belgium: Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
- Bosnia And Herzegovina: University "Dzemal Bijedic" of Mostar
- Bulgaria: Technical University of Sofia
- Croatia: University of Zagreb
- Czech Republic: Brno University of Technology
- Czech Republic: Czech Technical University in Prague
- Denmark: Aalborg University
- Denmark: Technical University of Denmark
- Estonia: Tallinn University of Technology
- Finland: Aalto University
- Finland: Tampere University of Technology
- France: Arts et Métiers
- France: Centrale Paris
- France: CentraleSupélec
- France: Ecole Polytechnique
- France: ENSTA Paris
- France: Grenoble Institute of Technology
- France: INSA Lyon
- France: University of Lorraine
- Germany: Dresden University of Technology
- Germany: Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Germany: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Germany: Ruhr-University Bochum
- Germany: RWTH Aachen University of Technology
- Germany: Technical University Berlin
- Germany: Technical University Munich
- Germany: Technical University of Braunschweig
- Germany: Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg
- Germany: Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- Germany: University of Stuttgart
- Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Greece: National Technical University of Athens
- Greece: Technical University of Crete (T.U.C.)
- Greece: University of Patras
- Hungary: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Hungary: University of Pannonia
- Iceland: University of Iceland
- Italy: Politecnico di Milano
- Italy: Polytechnic of Turin
- Italy: Sapienza University of Rome
- Italy: University of Messina
- Italy: University of Naples "Federico II"
- Italy: University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- Italy: University of Trento
- Latvia: Riga Technical University
- Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology
- Moldova, Republic Of: Technical University of Moldova
- Montenegro: University of Montenegro
- Netherlands: Delft University of Technology
- Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology
- North Macedonia: University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius"
- Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Poland: AGH - University of Science and Technology
- Poland: Gdansk University of Technology
- Poland: Lodz University of Technology
- Poland: Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice
- Poland: Warsaw University of Technology
- Poland: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
- Portugal: NOVA University Lisbon
- Portugal: University of Algarve
- Portugal: University of Aveiro
- Portugal: University of Coimbra
- Portugal: University of Lisbon
- Portugal: University of Porto
- Romania: "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
- Romania: "Politehnica" University of Timisoara
- Romania: "Transilvania" University of Brasov
- Romania: POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
- Romania: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Russian Federation: Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- Russian Federation: Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
- Russian Federation: Ural Federal University
- Russian Federation: Ural State University of Railway Transport
- Serbia: University of Belgrade
- Serbia: University of Nis
- Serbia: University of Novi Sad
- Slovakia: Slovak University of Technology
- Slovakia: Technical University of Kosice
- Slovenia: University of Ljubljana
- Slovenia: University of Maribor
- Spain: Las Palmas of Gran Canaria University
- Spain: Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Spain: Technical University of Catalonia
- Spain: Technical University of Madrid
- Spain: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Spain: University of Valladolid
- Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology
- Sweden: Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
- Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology
- Sweden: Uppsala University
- Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Türkiye: Ege University
- Türkiye: Istanbul Technical University
- Türkiye: Middle East Technical University
- Türkiye: Suleyman Demirel University
- Türkiye: Yildiz Technical University
- Ukraine: Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Ukraine: National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
- Ukraine: National University "Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic"
- Ukraine: Vinnytsia National Technical University