ELEMENTary, my dear Laplace!

General description

A great man once said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking we used when we created them."

What better way to apply this motto than to get NUMERICAL?! That’s what the finite elements method is all about! From the bottom (interpolation, integration, derivation... ) to the top (Laplace equations, elasticity problems, mesh generation, and even some computer-aided design) you will learn all the secrets of this mysterious field of mathematics. How, you would ask?! Well, we prepared for you the perfect mix between lectures, programming exercises and teamwork to keep you awake and motivated. Take your laptop with you and get ready for some challenges!

You're probably asking yourself why we will need to keep you awake... Well, you all know that hard work asks for harder PARTIES! And we can assure you that there is no better place to do this than Belgium: beyond amazing beers, chocolate and fries, our traditions also include a tireless party sense. And no doubts that the BEST one can be found among the students of Louvain-la-Neuve! (if you still need to be convinced it's one of the coolest places on Earth - just search "24h vélo de Louvain-La-Neuve" on YouTube, and learn) If you're ready for 9 days of complete madness, partyness and ThisIsTheBestTimeOfMyLife-ness: don't be shy and just apply, you won't regret it!

Academic information

Fields of activity:
Computational Sciences , Computer Engineering , Computer Science/Automatic Control/Informatics , Materials Engineering , Mathematics , Mechanical Engineering , Physics/Physics Engineering
Content and topics:
The course will start with a few theoretical lectures on finite elements, including an introduction on the use of Python language. You will then get to test your new knowledges with some simple programming exercises and working group sessions, and discover their applications during company visits. The event will be intertwined with city rallies, but also leisure and surprise activities. Of course, let’s not forget about the unforgettable parties that we will organize for you!
Learning goals and objectives:
- Solve elliptic problems with the classic approach of the finite element method (Laplace equations in 2D and 3D, and linear elasticity); - Write some small programs in Python to execute simple calculations linked to the topic of the course; - Learn how to generate mesh for finite elements.
Examination type:
Code writing in small groups of students.
ECTS credits issued:
Not known yet

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Motivation letter, answers to the questions, followed courses related to the subject, interest in the subject and in the Belgian student folklore, outgoingness, ability to deal with lack of sleep. Be fun and creative, show us you are willing to meet new people: give us a hard time choosing participants!

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Comfortable student dormitory
We provide breakfast and two meals a day (lunch & dinner), at least a hot one per day.
We will be mainly walking but we we'll use the train, as well as the bus and the car.