The Birth of BEST Anthem. e-Music - a Creative Approach

General description

Have You ever thought that You would be given the possibility to become one of those who created BEST’s very own official anthem? Ever imagined yourself in a recording studio with your fellow BEST’ies? No? Then this is a chance to experience it all first-hand!

Be aware, as this shall not be an easy endeavor. You will be taught advanced and latest techniques in electronic music production. Practice shall take place in our university’s studio and in various other professional studios. All you house freaks will be given the opportunity to work with the man behind the well known RyRalio Recordings team. All you classics lovers will be given the opportunity to spend some quality time behind-stage in our National Opera house during a sound-check.

But guess what! It only gets better! You will visit Lithuania’s capital Vilnius, have a hot weekend by the seaside and of course you’ll get to know our city – Kaunas. Of course you will visit more museums than you should…;) But don’t forget that you will NEVER forget the Kaunas LBG parties!!! Above all, You will have the ability to give a live/semi-live/dj performance in a nightclub and a lot of time to practice ;)

So pack your bags boys and girls, because this will be a ride of a life-time! We can almost see you in the BEST hall of fame… ;)

Academic information

Content and topics:
*A retrospective of software dedicated to music production. *Specifics of music tasks. Calibration and optimization of computer systems to tackle music tasks. *Analog and digital sound signal. *Types of music data, their nature. *The purpose and possibilities of Steinberg Cubase. *Cubase basic actions and editing modes. *Basic Cubase MIDI editing actions. MIDI format. *Cubase audio information processing actions. *Cubase instrument types and their use. VST instruments *Steinberg Halion sampler.
Learning goals and objectives:
The aim of the course is to give the students good knowledge of using electronic music production. Creation of an official BEST anthem
Examination type:
Practical work and a written exam

Information for applicants

Selection criteria:
Selection criteria is based on motivation letter.

Practical arrangements

All of the following are covered by the event fee:

Students will be hosting at dormitory of Kaunas University of Technologies.
During the courses participants will have breakfast, lunch and dinner at canteens of our university, and also in some cafes.
During the courses, we will use public transport, also bus to get to other town.