General description
You have successfully devised your phenomenal product. You want to sell it in the 21st centruy. What do you need? Yes, ELECTRONIC MARKETING!
There will be lectures about different methods, tools of Internet Marketing, not to mention the latest trends in marketing research, mainly online research. The new environment (Web) requires new kinds of strategies, so that we will study about some special advertising types, building websites for marketing, psychological aspects of marketing issues, differet type of consumers, decision process. Of course, there will be some words about the "Dark Side of the Moon"!
After the high standard lectures by leading professionals leisure activities will include trips to Lake Balaton, Budapest sightseeing, wine festivals and late night parties. You will have the opportunity to experience the cultural and social life of our beautiful country, Hungary.
Academic information
- Content and topics:
- Learning goals and objectives:
- Examination type:
Information for applicants
- Selection criteria:
Practical arrangements
All of the following are covered by the event fee:
- Lodging:
- Meals:
- Transportation: