Paper - A Cutting Edge Technology
General description
Have you ever asked yourself how they manage to cut sheets of PAPER that thin? How many trees there are in a textbook? What role PAPER plays in many high-tech products? Or how they produce banknotes? (Well ok, we probably can't tell you that last point, but a lot of other fascinating applications, really!) Think of an office without PAPER - there would probably be only bored employees drinking coffee! ... But how would they filter the coffee without a PAPER-filter? We will show you how important and how manifold the 5000-year-old material in this world is! Come to Erlangen and experience two weeks of fun with the Bavarian culture, which is much more than beer and "Bratwuerste with Sauerkraut"!
Academic information
- Content and topics:
- Learning goals and objectives:
- Examination type:
Information for applicants
- Selection criteria:
Practical arrangements
All of the following are covered by the event fee:
- Lodging:
- Meals:
- Transportation: